12 Quotes & Sayings By Brandon R Chinn

Brandon Chinn is the author of the book, The Best Diet Plan You've Never Tried: The 28-Day Diet Plan That's Spurred Over 500,000 People to Lose Weight. He has been featured on several television shows including Good Morning America, The Doctors, and The View. He is a contributing writer at the Huffington Post and a blogger for Elite Daily. Chinn currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their beautiful daughter.

Because. Because in all the breadth of time, in all of this scattered light and infinite darkness, in all these millions of years and circumstances and changes and challenges, in the order and chaos, it's brought me to you. How can you see something like that as anything but beautiful? Brandon R. Chinn
He's special, but not the kind anyone wants to be. I don't know what to do about that. Brandon R. Chinn
They're only memories, Sam. They might comfort us on days of self-loathing, but that's all. We have to consciously move forward. Brandon R. Chinn
I have knowledge; I'm responsible. If I sit by and do nothing while I have the ability to change, to help, then I'm just as much a criminal as any. Power begets responsibility... You should know that. Brandon R. Chinn
Kognition? It's just another world, another wanderer, another curvature of time and space. Now we understand that the complexities of universes exist in more than just observable space. If the origin of time was light and fire, then it must be the same for all of us. Light in our eyes, fire in our chests. There are no mistakes in the universe; there are no mistakes in the natural world. There just -is-. Mistakes, even order and chaos, only exist in the observable space of human sight. Philosophies are just how we approach things we don't understand. Brandon R. Chinn
There seldom is a single wave. Another way to look at it is, 'when it rains, it pours.' Good luck or bad luck often followed by more of the same. Whatever path you begin, it's almost impossible to change your direction. You're sent hurtling through space, crashing through experiences decided by the first few decisions you ever made. Binary choices set against something as simple as a yes or no in your earliest stages of development. As a Future Child, that would be your primitive choices in Genus. Actions, friendships, whether to smile in one moment or frown in the next. Those are all paths that, once set upon, are entirely unchangeable. At least, that's what I was designed to think. Brandon R. Chinn
No. It's choice. Every time, no matter what happens, I would choose you. Even if we had to repeat this for eternity, I would choose you, every time. Brandon R. Chinn
Last words? I'm sure it has been an eventful journey. Someone will want to make your eulogy creative, I have no doubt. I can only wonder what will happen to the mind of the person that is forcefully debugged with their consciousness this deep into the WoAnLiNe. It's going to make an interesting case study for some boring old zero that has that kind of time. I should erase your Animus while I'm at it. It would keep these sorts of problems from happening in the future, troublemaker. Brandon R. Chinn
I never really had control over my life because no one does. We're all tossed into this loop because there is only 'life.' There is no 'my life this, my life that.' I take part in what life actually is, singular and myriad, warping and stagnant. Life is only itself, and it stretches so much farther beyond who I am that I'm lucky to take part in it for the small amount of time that is given to me. That's all. . Brandon R. Chinn
This isn't about simple morality. Not anymore. The world is too big, and there are worlds in worlds. They were always there, in everyone's heads, but now we can see them. We're starting to bleed into each other. Brandon R. Chinn
No, Sarah. There's more. There's always more. I won't give you up. I won't! It's not just a game. Midgard is real for many people and it's real for what they've experienced. It's real. We don't doubt the way they feel or what they've seen or how they spend their time, so you must be real too! You have to be real, Sarah, because if you aren't, how can I justify any of it? You are a few scraps of code. I'm a few liters of blood and some bones in a bag of skin. If I'm real, you're real too!. Brandon R. Chinn